Compact, robust, simple:
The DA-100 is the ideal choice for quick and reliable density and specific gravity determinations. A sturdy metal housing and an extremely simple user guidance makes it a perfect and cost-effective solution for routine quality control in the lab and production environments.
Reliable results
The DA-100 features a built-in solid state thermostat and a detection of the stability of the measured value. After injecting the sample, the instrument automatically waits until the cell has reached the target temperature and indicates the end of the measurement.
Direct display of the results in the desired units
The DA-100 can display the results as density and specific gravity. If required, a formula can be input to automatically convert the result into other units such as degree Baumé, API, Quevenne or Twaddle.
Accurate calibrations
A built-in air pump facilitates quick and complete drying of the measuring cell prior to calibrations.
Quick and easy printout
With an optional printer the results are automatically printed out after each measurement together with the sample number, date, time and the duration of the measurement.